
Monday, 21 October 2013

10 Days Till our 3rd Birthday!

Ok.  Ok.  One of us is way older than three.  That's me.  Try, seven times as old. And for the other one?  That whole ten days thing is kind of an estimate... see Bonnie's a shelter dog, and even though she was just a little puppy when I got her, the shelter workers didn't know just when she was born.  They estimated her birthday to be somewhere in late October- early November.  
So- what better day to celebrate Bonnie's birthday than Halloween. 
I'll put up a picture of her as a puppy- you'll understand why.  She was so lanky from far away she looked like a giant spider. 
So, October 31st it is. 
I can't even explain how much I love this dog. 
She's my family. 
She's my best friend. 
Sometimes, she's the only thing that feel certain in my life.  I can always count on my Bonnie to be there for me.  I mean, honestly, Bonnie is my number one.  See, I'm a huge dog lover. Heck, I freakin' took my dog to college with me! One day I want it to be me, a husband, and a ton of kids  dogs.  Bonnie loves other dogs, so I'm pretty sure she's on board with this plan.  I don't know how she feels about the horses part of the plan, but if she's really part border collie, like the shelter said, then she'll totally be into the farm in sheep. 
Once again, reference James Herriot rant. 
for the next ten days, expect a lot of Bonnie. 




  1. I love black labs! I have a black lab who is 13 and still acts like a puppy, I love her so much! There is no better dog!


    1. Labs are so sweet! I've only ever had labs my entire life, a yellow one and my sweet black lab mix. They are too cute
