
Sunday, 30 June 2013

fall days

fall daysI love fall so much!  It is my favorite, favorite, favorite season.  Everything perfect happens in fall:  It's a new school year, fall rowing season is so much fun (Head of the Charles), Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New England is beautiful in the fall.  Actually, even Pittsburgh wasn't too bad in the fall.  But Boston's really something else in October.  

Oh right, then there's fall clothes. Revamping my wardrobe for back to school is possibly my favorite activity ever.  There's going to be more and more polyvore sets preparing for this (yes, I know it's not July yet) Anyway, a lot of stuff here is from crewcuts or gapkids because 1) I'm mini sized and 2) sometimes shopping in the kids department drives the price down.  

tulle skirt, boatneck shirt, pink glasses: crewcuts. 
jacket: gap kids
Superga sneakers- DYING for a pair of these
I think the scarfs and the tights are from topshop, the messenger bag is from Columbia Sportswear and the hand cream is L'occitane.  Which I use to keep my hands from cracking and bleeding.  Coxswain problems.  Also, this is a special edition that benefits a charity that prevents illnesses that cause blindness in poor countries.  
More fall sets to come (prepare yourselves!!!!)

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