So, confession. I have a lot of trouble watching movies. The three second attention span, really kills me. I get so bored during most movies. So if I like a movie, I consider that a sign that it's a great movie. It's a rainy moody night here in Boston, and this is the perfect movie for it. 
If you have Netflix, you need to watch this movie ASAP. It is perfection. Don't be put off by the beginning, it all becomes clear. Also, please brace yourself if you're a cat lover. 
Basically, it's about this girl (Zooey Deschanel. Yes, I know, she's adorable but personally I like edgy indie Zooey the best) who is an actress. Her Mom and Dad were both famous authors. A book agent offers her a lot of money to find some love letters that her mom and dad wrote. So, she packs up, leaves New York, and goes to Michigan. That's when the movie starts. I'll try not to give too much away, but she meets two people who have moved in with her dad as roommates, one of them being Will Ferrell. She finds out a lot about her parents in the process, and though it might sound like much of a plot, I promise, this movie is FANTASTIC. And Zooey is amazing. Yes. Obviously, we're on first name terms.
Also, it has possibly the greatest soundtrack ever. Except for maybe Once.
And that, folks, is how an indie movie is DONE.
ps: If you're a RENT fan, Anthony Rapp (Mark) shows up briefly in one scene and it's written/directed by his brother!
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