
Sunday, 30 December 2012

The Company You Keep

So I have this really great friend.
 She's better at putting things into perspective than anyone else I know. In fact, sometimes she does it without even trying.  

I like to call my friends by initials here to respect their privacy.  We're talking about T.  
She was the assistant coach on my high school crew team, and she's honest to Dog one of my favorite people maybe ever.   
T's great.  She's got a really good head on her shoulders and tends to look at the big picture rather than getting caught up in the day-to-day details.  Plus, she's just good at getting stuff done.  She's one of the most competent people I know.  Scratch that.  THE most competent person I know. 

Recently, T got married.  It's a little weird having an actual real-life adult friend (she's something like 11 yrs older than me) but on the other hand, it's useful.  I won't say it's like having an older sister, because I already have two of those and I don't need anymore!  But I do tend to look to her for an example.  T's always been (especially in high school) a sort of "this-is-how-I-could-live-my-life" thing.  

But most importantly, I think she just rubs off on me.  I was really nervous about going back to school, and even more nervous about coxing spring season (yikes), but being around T just makes me feel better.  Like, she did it once.  I can do it, too.  Best part is I never even told her I was nervous.  T's ability to not get thrown by the little things or any "crew drama" really puts it all in perspective for me. She's incredibly helpful without even knowing it!  

So all I got to say here is that everyone needs a friend like T, and that if it's true that people judge you by the company you keep, than I'm in good company!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Clean Freak

Clean Freak

So, In case it's not obvious, I am completely in love with polyvore.  I have literally been known to spend entire days making polyvore sets.  It's like collaging, but better, because you have so much at your fingertips, instead of just being limited to whatever pictures you happen to be able to find in magazines.  
Another thing I happen to be obsessed with it skincare.  I don't know why that it.  I didn't really break out much throughout my high school years.  In fact I didn't really start breaking out at all until I was about nineteen.  That doesn't really bode well for me, since I'm twenty years old, and if genetics tell me anything, I'll be dealing with acne my entire adult life. 
Maybe I'm being a little dramatic.  
I have fairly good skin.  
I just have to not be lazy and actually wash it a few times a day.  
 I have a problem with just falling into bed at the end of the day and not washing my face or even putting on pajamas.   So, sometimes my skin gets its revenge.  

I bought my scrubber(what are these things called anyway?  The knock off clarisonics?) from CVS.  I'm pretty sure it does the exact same job as a clarisonic, but costs like 100-something dollars less.  The one in the set above is from kohl's, also a bargain, i.m.o.  It makes my face feel really clean. 
I posted earlier that I use cetaphil, it's gentle on my skin and doesn't make it burn like other face washes can.  I think it's because it has no salicylic acid in it.  My face is pretty much the opposite of oily.  Those oily absorbing sheets that we all kept in our lockers in middle school?  They never worked on me.  I'd press them on my forehead for like, five minutes, and they'd come off perfectly dry, and I just thought they weren't working.  Nope.  It's called dry skin.  
I know this is bad for you, but sometimes when I'm getting a break out, or my face just feels dirty (does anyone else's face feel dirty, or is that just mine?) I actually want to use a face wash that burns a little.  Not one that really stings, but one that makes the skin on my face feel a little tight and tingly.  Because it feels cleaner.  I know this is definitely not dermatologist recommended, but hey, I never claimed to be a saint!  So I like to keep a bar of neutrogena face soap around because 1: it's dirt cheap
2: It clears up your face pretty fast. 
I'm putting that Lush Ocean Salt face and body scrub on my wishlist, because I love anything that reminds me of the ocean.  On the other hand, maybe I could just forget about school for the next six months and take an extended beach vacation.
SPF had to be included in this set because I burn SO bad it's not even funny.  (#gingerproblems)
and I cover up with a really light foundation if it's absolutely necessary.  Otherwise I am morally opposed to foundation. I just like to let my skin breathe.  I wouldn't even wear SPF if it wasn't an absolute requirement. (#gingerproblemsagain).  

Monday, 17 December 2012

Guide to Shopping in the Kid's Section

shopping in the kid's section

The worst thing about being small- ok, one of the worst things, is trying to find pants that fit.  No, I'm not kidding.  A lot of times, extra small t-shirts are too big for you.  I don't mind big t-shirts, but with pants, if they're too big, they're not going to do their job!  Now there's always belts for that pair that you just can't pass up, but pants are a problem.  I end up shopping the children's section a lot (bonus: children's clothes are often cheaper!) For some reason, I find shopping in the children's section less stressful then shopping otherwise.  Yes, I'm that girl.  The one who really gets stressed out by shopping.  I do a lot of online shopping, and fortunately, I normally don't buy a lot when I go online.  But in real life, it just makes me anxious.  I know, it's weird.  
So, without further ado, I present to you my guide to shopping in the children's section:
First of all, when you shop in the children's section you are taking you're life in  your hands.  Ok.  Maybe that's a little dramatic.  But still, you don't want to risk looking like you got your outfit from the children's section, especially if, like me, people continually mistake you a for a younger girl.  (Great in your forties, not so great in your twenties.)  I tend to avoid graphic tees no matter how cute they are, because if their from the children's section, a lot of times you can really tell.  The exception to that is Outfit # 1 with the heart print sweatshirt, but that's loungewear, so something you wouldn't wear out of the house.  Ok.  If you're me, you definitely don't follow that "don't wear sweats public places" rule, so I might wear this while traveling or  running out to the convenience store or going to a movie at night.  But I wouldn't wear it for dinner with friends or anything where I might be meeting people I know. (hoodie and sweats both Gap kids).  

  #2 is a button back shirt and camp pants from crewcuts.  Chic, comfy, and kind of retro, this would go well with casual sneakers or flats.

#3 tunic, old navy, leggings crewcuts. Ok, the leggings in outfit three might be pushing my luck.  But they were so cute.  Being the type of person who goes a little crazy over cute and comfy things, I couldn't resist.  If anyone asks if I got it in the kid's section, I'd just say yep.  I'm more embarrassed when my pants fit then when someone questions my taste!

#4 Pretty cute, huh?  Looks kind of parisian.  I bet no one would ever suspect.  Both items are gap kids.

#5 I'd wear that anyway!  You'd look like a cool hipster, specially if you grabbed #9 heart shaped glasses.   Ironically of course.  I'd wear my moccasin boots with this.  Because I'm just that cool.  

Now, on to the best thing to get from the kid's section, because they always fit perfectly (and are soooo much more comfy than in the womens' section:

Now I don't own a lot of dresses, but with the exception of one dress, every single dress I own has managed to hang loosely off me.   Which is totally fine, unless your dress is strapless.  Or unless you like to be comfy.  Guess what?  In case you couldn't tell, I like to be comfy.  Comfy is my number one priority.  In fact, if it's not something I could run in, I don't wear it.  Seriously.  This is why I don't own heels.  Dresses for girls tend to be more comfortable than dresses for women.  (Ok, any piece of clothing is comfier if it's not made for adult women, and cheaper too, but I'm not going into feminism in the clothing industry right now, because that is one can of worms I'm not qualified to deal with.  Plus, I hate worms.) 

#6 is a jcrew dress, and it might be a little short, depending on your height.  Sometimes I have a problem with this, because I have a ridiculously short torso and ridiculously long legs. So sometimes things look shorter than they are.  Fortunately, I prefer my dresses short. 'Cuz I can't exactly figure out what the point of dresses that don't show a lot of leg are anyway...

#7 looks super cozy, like something you would wear to a holiday party.  It's a gap kids number.  

and last but not least, #8 is freaaaaaaking ridiculously cute!!!  I would wear it somewhere under a blazer, or at least a dignified looking cardigan to avoid the kindergarten-y feeling of the t-shirt sleeved ruffle dress.  Either that, or I'd do a retro summer look with a sun hat, but those sorts of things only work out in my head (see: the time I decided to dress like it was circa 1945, All Creatures Great and Small).  Oh, that adorable dress is from gap kids.

PS: Don't those sunglasses look like the ones in the music video for Everybody Talks? (Neon Trees)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Normally, I hate breakfast.  I don't like breakfast foods, and I'm too cranky early in the morning to want anything except for coffee.  For a normal college girl, this is probably pretty par for the course.  However, I'm not a normal college girl (heehee), no, I'm a coxswain.  Which means my wake up call for the majority of the year is somewhere around 4:30 or 5:00 am.  5:30 on a good day, and 6:00 during the winter.  The team goes to breakfast afterwards.  Daily.  It's like a tradition.  And as a coxswain, I want to be super sure that I include myself in any potentially important team bonding activities.  I don't want to be an outsider on my own team!  Problem is, I end up waisting meal swipes.  Now, this won't solve that problem, but it has put an end to the breakfast dilemma.  
DISCLAIMER:   I DID NOT MAKE THIS SMOOTHIE.  I got it off google images.  Mine was too ugly to photograph!  but this one has the same ingredients..

I made a delicious smoothie!  (Totally vegan, fyi).
It was super easy.  I only used ice, almond milk, blueberries, and a little peanut butter as a binding agent.  It tasted awesome!  (due to lack of a blender I literally hand-crushed the ice and mixed the smoothie.  This is why it was so ugly)
I finally found something I like to eat for breakfast.

Next step: get a blender.

off to yoga

Friday, 14 December 2012

Fitness Routine- and a BIG Announcement

Fitness is really important to me.  Technically I don't "need" to work out.  I stay pretty slim just because that's how I am.  The flip side of this, is that I don't put on muscle (hence the end of my rowing career and the begining of my life as a coxswain)  I can put on a pound or two in the winter (since I tend to eat a lot of chocolate) but usually I'm the only one who notices.  Fact is, I eat when I'm hungry.  I'm  a big proponent of small meals and snacks, because otherwise my blood sugar gets low and I get sleepy and dizzy.  I'm not really self conscious about my lack of curves, I like my body how it is.  It's built just perfect for the things I like to do (like yoga and dancing and, oh yeah... coxing!!) I feel bad for girls who are.  I wish they realized that every body type is awesome because every body type can do things others can't.  I think working out or playing sports is really great because it gives a lot of people confidence so they know their bodies are awesome.
Addmitedly, I do get self conscious about one thing. My hair. My hair is just CRAZY.  I have insanely tight curls.  I kid you not, my hair looks like one of those Irish step dance wigs.  On a good day.  But I don't straighten.  The most I do is braid it or put it in a ponytail.  I don't really want to straighten my hair.  I don't really want to conform to having the "right" hair type, even if some people do look at me and think "that girl needs a stylist".  In fact, sometimes I like to let my hair go totally wild and do it's own thing.  I don't look like everybody else.  It makes sense, because I'm not like everybody else.  I'm an individual, and so is my hair.  It's... fierce.  fitness

I love ballet, yoga, pilates, and the occasional run.  (I am SO not a fast runner). I have to work out, honestly, a few times a day to feel good.  It keeps my mood high. Dance, yoga, and pilates really work for me, because I'm not so good at sticking to workouts that make me leave the house!  If I can pop a DVD in my computer, though, I'm likely to work out a few times a day!

I've been waiting for the perfect time to launch my vegan project and now since winter break is starting, what better time?
I was vegan for about six months in high school.  It worked until around February (like I said, winter gets me).  Although, I managed to stay really healthy last winter, so that's a great sign!  I've been thinking about this, and I really want to commit to a lifestlye change, because eating healthier makes me feel better and I think this could be a way to avoid processed foods.  Not that vegan processed foods don't exist, but just that I can try to curb my sweet tooth.  At least a little.  Hopefully...?  I'd be lying if I said I didn't know where to find vegan sweets, but they are harder to come by (and more expensive) so instead of falling for the dining hall desert trap (because let's face it, everything else is pretty meh) I'd instead have to plan my treats.  It worked pretty well for me this summer, so I'm hoping I can make the commitment.
I'll be blogging about it here, of course!



Thursday, 13 December 2012

Monday, 10 December 2012

Top Ten Best Disney Movies

I really need to be studying for finals.  Well, writing a paper.
I'm having trouble focusing.  Hey, It's one of those days.
But here's the story.
This paper is coming accompanied by Disney soundtracks.  Now I love Disney, but not the really typical Disney classics.  I can live without Beauty and the Beast and Snow White  A lot of my friends just love Disney princesses.  When I get nostalgic for Disney, I  get nostalgic for a collection of movies that could also probably read as Disney's greatest underappreciated films. Here they are, in my humble opinion, the ten best Diseny Movies EVER.

10:  Mulan-
My favorite princess movie.  I don't know if Mulan is technically a princess, but I think she becomes one at the end, or at least an ancient Chinese VIP.  And she kicks butt, so that's

9: The Rescuers-

I LOVE this movie.  It's so cute.  It's about two ridiculously well dressed mice that rescue a little kid from kidnappers.  The best character is the accident prone albatross. Oh, ps, this was the first Disney movie in a bayou, so the Princess and the Frog owes this movie!

8: Brother Bear-
I never understood why this movie wasn't more popular.  It was great.  Literally.  I cry at several different points throughout the movie.  And believe me, I really don't usually cry during movies, but this one kills me.

7: The Jungle  Book-
This is a good one. I always watched this at my grandparents house.  My grandparents watched me a lot when I was a kid, and I loved this movie.  I've seen it almost too many times to count

6: A Ring of Endless Light-
This movie makes it on here because I just love dolphins!

5: The Sword in the Stone-
this is a great movie.  Partly because I like the story of King Arthur.

4: The Princess Diaries #1
I loved, loved, loved the Princess Diaries books when I was little.  I so related to Mia.  And even though I wish the movie were more like the books, It's still one of my favorites.

3: Ponyo- 
This one's a Disney/ Studio Ghibli movie based off of the little mermaid, but BETTER!  I loved mermaids when I was little, but I was always dissappointed by the story in the little mermaid.  Why would anyone want to give up being a mermaid? For a boy?  No thanks.  I like Ponyo much better.  It's a great movie with fantastic animation, courtesy of the stunning Hayao Miyazaki.  Watching it literally feels like swimming in the ocean.  I even like the ending better.  Ponyo turns from a fish into a little girl and and technically it's the same plot, but Ponyo and Sosuke are much cuter than Ariel and Eric.    

2: Lilo and Stitch -
And speaking of cute, I just LOVE Lilo and Stitch.  Admitedly, I've never seen Lilo and Stitch the movie, but I watched the tv series, and everyone says that the movie is much better, so being in love with the Lilo and Stitch series on Disney, I'm dying to see the movie.

I love how Lilo is a kind of a misfit and other kids tease her, but she never minds in the end.  I love how Nani is Lilo's guardian, because that sort of things don't really happen in Disney movies.  They either have the perfect family, or the mom's dead and stepmother is evil.
And Stitch is adorable.
I love everything about Lilo and Stitch.   And how cute is this?  It's from the simpledisneythings tumblr, and I love it so much! I've definitely used the quote for things.

And my number one favorite Disney movie, the one they made about me, 
1: Brave
Um? Tomboy? check.  Red head? Check.  Crazy Curls?  Check.  Saying "Mo-om" or "Muuuuum" in an exasperated voice?  Check.
This movie's about me.
Only I wish I had three crazy little brothers and a horse, too!
Wouldn't mind a castle, either, come to think of it.

ok well, that's all for now.

Time to push out this paper.


Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Nutcracker

So this weekend I went with a group of friends to see the Nutcracker ($20 student tickets are the greatest) and maybe I should change the name of this blog to Boston Ballet Blues, because I was getting major ex-bunhead blues.
It's sort of the way I start salivating every time I see a point shoe.
I know they're painful, but they're so beautiful I've never really minded.

The dancing was great, of course.  My favorite part of the Nutcracker has always been the Snow Queens pas de duex,  or really her solo before the pas de deus (am I spelling this right at all?)  It's always the most magical, and it was the role I really,really, wanted when I was little.

I started feeling almost sad about quitting ballet, but if I had never quit ballet than I never would have found crew, and I'm really glad I did.

I'm definitely going to look around for some community classes as soon as I can.  Oh, and I got this for my mom.

A tiny little ballerina for the Christmas tree.
We already have a lot of ballerina- themed Christmas ornaments.  My goal is to one day cover the entire tree in ballerinas. I have to say, I'm making good progress.

Happy Chanukah: Part II

Oh dear.

First of all, this little guy (he's  a Jonathan Adler menorah) is totally adorable.  Dachshunds are just the cutest things ever (oops, Bonnie is glaring over my shoulder while I write this.  Sorry, Bonnie!  You're the cutest thing ever, followed by dachshunds as a distant second.  Happy?)

Second of all, I had a really terrible idea last night at around 4 am.  The problem with my really terrible ideas, is that when I get them at 4 am I tend to think they're fantastic.  
So here it is... I joined Jdate.  
I know, I know, you're laughing.  
But I go to a womens' college, and I'm not really the world's most outgoing girl.  
I was getting nervous.  
I haven't had a boyfriend since high school.  
In the cold light of day, I'm considering deactivating it.  

What Would Kate (Middleton) Do?

TTYL, guys


Saturday, 8 December 2012

Happy Chanukah!

Happy Chanukah, guys!
I have to admit, it being 2 am, that I kind of miss my dad.
I always celebrate Chanukah with my dad, and this is the first Chanukah in my entire 21 years that I haven't been able to make it home for the first night of Chanukah and I'm not celebrating it.
My dad's a pretty big goof, so we never had very formal Chanukah celebrations. We'd buy those pre-made latkes from the grocery store, get out the dreidel, and light the menorah.  Our menorahs were really old from my dad's childhood and they are always filthy!  We've tried to clean them, every so often, but we like to try to get the menorahs as covered in melty wax as we can.  I'm honestly getting a little emotional thinking about sitting in the kitchen, just me and my dad, and little elementary school Emme staying up until every single candle melted itself into oblivion.
   The worst part is, I won't even make it home before the end of Chanukah.
Ugh, sorry this post is so blah.
I'm just kind of sad tonight.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

MY Girl

"I'm not upset.  I would never play with those girls.  I only surround myself with people who I find intellectually stimulating."- Veda, My Girl

Sometimes, you have a crap day and just have to turn to a 90s movie for inspiration.  Sometimes it feels like every day is your first day of high school and you're desperately searching the cafeteria for somewhere, anywhere, to sit.  And most of the time, you can't be anyone else except yourself, so why waste energy trying?  



Saturday, 17 November 2012

Daily Beauty Basics

Daily Beauty Basics

Molly Malone

Molly Malone

So, this is probably the strangest inspiration I've ever used for a polyvore set.  Honestly, I can't explain myself, except I have strange taste in music.  Well, not strange, per say, but my taste in music is far more mellow or old-fashioned than most of my friends.  Favorite song? Hallelujah, Jeff Buckley.  I'm not accepting any hypothetical future marriage proposals unless they are acompanied  by Billy Joel's She's Always a Woman. My idea of pop music?  Counting Crows.  Party music?  Johnny Cash.  I want to get a tattoo with the lyrics of Neil Young's Heart of Gold on my arm. The point is, I have trouble with upbeat music.  Is it just me or are all beautiful songs sad and older than I am?  

This might not be my fault, however.  It may be genetic.      For some odd reason, my mother's idea of good songs to sing to her children were 
1)Danny Boy
2)Molly Malone
3) Scarborough Fair
4)The Holly and the Ivy
5)Loch Lomond
6)Will ye go Lassie Go

Scarborough Fair was probably the most frequently sung.  
In case you didn't know, these songs are all Scottish, British, or Irish.  They are all INCREDIBLY depressing.  I have no idea why my mother felt the need to sing depressing scots/irish/breton ballads to small impressionable children.  It wasn't an ethnicity thing, since my mother was Italian/Polish and my father was of Lithuanian Jewish descent.
But as it is, my mom instilled me at a young age with a raging Anglophilia.  Or rather, Scotophilia.  Um, yes, I just invented that word.  I think she must have been happy when I was born, because as an uber-pale, freckled red-head who blushes even when nothing's embarrassing, I look like Ginny Weasley.  In fact, I'm a different Weasley twin for every Halloween.  My family had a heart attack when Brave came out because, Full STOP: 
Merida looks a lot, lot, lot like me.  And acts a lot, lot, lot, like me.  
And hence the story behind the world's weirdest polyvore set.  

ps:  to depress the crap out of you, here's Sinead O'Connor singing Molly Malone.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Happy Birthday, Bonnie!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my best friend in the world!  I can't believe you're two already!  It seems like just yesterday you were a tiny puppy!  You are the sweetest girl in the world and we have so much fun together and I'm getting teary eyed thinking of how much I love you.  I know we have a future full of adventures and running outside.  It's true what they said about us at the shelter when I adopted you.  We're made for each other.

I love you, Bonnie.

<3 E

Thursday, 18 October 2012

The Downside to Competition

Any kid can tell you.  The worst part of competition is loosing. I don't think anyone's really a "good" loser.  The more competitive among us (read:me) are sore losers.  We use losses to motivate ourselves.  "Better work harder.  Remember what happened last time?"  But I've learned how to remain polite and courteous and recognize that my competitors have worked hard to get where they are.  When my team loses, it's something I can face.  This time, I'm a little hurt.

I'm keeping it short and sweet.  I thought I was coxing in Head of the Charles this weekend. It's in 1 and a half days.  I just found out I'm not.  I'm sure the coaches have their reasons.  I have no idea what they are.  I'm disappointed. 

The worst part of it all is that I'm sure I could do a really, really good job racing.  
Oh well.  
There's always next year...

ugh, today is just gonna be one of those days when I need Ben and Jerry's...   



Bad Day Playlist