
Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Clean Freak

Clean Freak

So, In case it's not obvious, I am completely in love with polyvore.  I have literally been known to spend entire days making polyvore sets.  It's like collaging, but better, because you have so much at your fingertips, instead of just being limited to whatever pictures you happen to be able to find in magazines.  
Another thing I happen to be obsessed with it skincare.  I don't know why that it.  I didn't really break out much throughout my high school years.  In fact I didn't really start breaking out at all until I was about nineteen.  That doesn't really bode well for me, since I'm twenty years old, and if genetics tell me anything, I'll be dealing with acne my entire adult life. 
Maybe I'm being a little dramatic.  
I have fairly good skin.  
I just have to not be lazy and actually wash it a few times a day.  
 I have a problem with just falling into bed at the end of the day and not washing my face or even putting on pajamas.   So, sometimes my skin gets its revenge.  

I bought my scrubber(what are these things called anyway?  The knock off clarisonics?) from CVS.  I'm pretty sure it does the exact same job as a clarisonic, but costs like 100-something dollars less.  The one in the set above is from kohl's, also a bargain, i.m.o.  It makes my face feel really clean. 
I posted earlier that I use cetaphil, it's gentle on my skin and doesn't make it burn like other face washes can.  I think it's because it has no salicylic acid in it.  My face is pretty much the opposite of oily.  Those oily absorbing sheets that we all kept in our lockers in middle school?  They never worked on me.  I'd press them on my forehead for like, five minutes, and they'd come off perfectly dry, and I just thought they weren't working.  Nope.  It's called dry skin.  
I know this is bad for you, but sometimes when I'm getting a break out, or my face just feels dirty (does anyone else's face feel dirty, or is that just mine?) I actually want to use a face wash that burns a little.  Not one that really stings, but one that makes the skin on my face feel a little tight and tingly.  Because it feels cleaner.  I know this is definitely not dermatologist recommended, but hey, I never claimed to be a saint!  So I like to keep a bar of neutrogena face soap around because 1: it's dirt cheap
2: It clears up your face pretty fast. 
I'm putting that Lush Ocean Salt face and body scrub on my wishlist, because I love anything that reminds me of the ocean.  On the other hand, maybe I could just forget about school for the next six months and take an extended beach vacation.
SPF had to be included in this set because I burn SO bad it's not even funny.  (#gingerproblems)
and I cover up with a really light foundation if it's absolutely necessary.  Otherwise I am morally opposed to foundation. I just like to let my skin breathe.  I wouldn't even wear SPF if it wasn't an absolute requirement. (#gingerproblemsagain).  

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