
Sunday, 22 September 2013

Oh LIfe

It's bigger/it's bigger than you and you are not me/ the lengths that I will go to/the distance in your eyes....

Hm. No, wait, that's not it.
I apologize for the interlude of Losing my Religion.  (#sorryI'mnotsorry)?

My life is CRAZY.
Everything is run, run, run all the time.  And partly, this is my fault.  I don't chill out enough.  I get over-committed and overstressed and have to do everything at once.  Plus I'm bad at saying "no".  It's like I have this message that I should always be doing something "productive" and faster is always better, and if I were really a good student, a good daughter, a good friend, a good coxswain then I would do all these things without breaking a sweat.

Deep breath.

My life is crazy because that's the way I like it.  Nobody told me I had to be in Amnesty International, Active Minds, MUN, yoga club, dance class, hillel, and cox.
I can drop whatever I want if it gets to be too much.
Except coxing, because hello, that's my life.
Or Amnesty, because I'm committed to being the SGA rep.
Or dance class, because I'm registered.  But everything else is totally optional.
Except for, you know, school.  And work...

ok, this calming down stuff is failing.  Nothing is optional.
Oh dear...

Ok, I'm going to go make a list of what needs to be done for tomorrow and do those things.  Possibly a nap would be good.  I get so tired around this time.  I've been up since seven, doing pilates, going to the leadership conference, lunch, and walking down to the boathouse  with the other coxswain to go in the launch with our coach upstream. (you would think at least I'd be familiar with it  by now?) I know it was helpful but I'm too tired to be positive.  Watched movies with friends last night, one of which was The Haunting in Conneticut, so you better believe I went to sleep late with all the lights on.  Ok. Ok.
Nap first then homework.


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