This was one of those weird facebook survey/ notes things that everyone did in high school. I thought it would be fun to see how my answers changed, so I did it again.
10 things you want this moment:
1. Fall
2. Winter
3. Or at least for it to cool down outside
4. I could go for some pancakes right about now. I could, really, really go for some pancakes
5. I wish I wasn't coxing tomorrow, because they're some friends I haven't seen in awhile that I want to see
6. More people to follow my tumblr
7. to be really good at crafting/ DIY
8. longer hair
9. to take a shower
10. and a nap
9 places you want to go:
1. The beach!!!!
2. The boathouse
3. the movie theater
4: to sleep
5. Boston Common
6. Is this like, in life? Because I'd love to go to Australia
7. And Hawaii
8. OOh, Lake Placid
9. Can i put beach in here twice? what if it was two different beaches?
8 people you want to meet:
1. Billy Joel
2. A long lost sibling
3. the Queen of England
4. Come to think of it, Prince Harry
5. Indiana Jones
6. my future boyfriend
7. Whoever invented the math so I can punch them in the face
8. the new novices
I'm not putting any famous rowers or coxswains on here, because that's just way too intimidating but it's really exciting for me to meet our new novices at the end of summer because it makes me feel old and experienced and like I actually know what I'm doing. Haha.
7 favorite foods:
1. coffee
2. tea
3. greek yogurt
4.vanilla ice cream
5. spinach
6. sushi
7. blackberries
6 things you want to do in your life:
1. coach crew
2. something memorable
3. go to a yoga rave!
4.own a farm
5. advocate for people with learning disabilities/ mental disabilities/ mental illness
6. raise awareness for suicide prevention
5 things worse than a death sentence:
1. 2 death sentences
2. mosquito bites
3. humidity
4. this heat wave
5. friends/family passing away
4 things you wish you could do better:
1.crafts/ DIY
2.headstands/ other inversions
3. docking
4. math
3 reasons you are alive:
1. dancer pose
2. plow pose
3. ice cream
2 people you will see today:
1. the checkout guy at CVS
2. rowers
1 thing that will always be true:
1. I won't stop!
Also, this is not inspired by the Miley Cyrus song, becasue "We Can't Stop" is actually the most annoying song ever and actually makes me miss the days of Miley/Hannah Montanna. TRUE life.
Post your own!
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