
Friday, 4 January 2013

Ballet Blisters and Apartment Hunting

Ballet Blisters, Apartment Hunting, and LSATs

I am DEAD ready for winter to be over.  Actually, I'm kind of ready for break to be over.  I'm completely caught up on the most recent seasons of Rizzoli and Isles and Downton Abbey.  I've reread all the books I want to and I have HUGE ballet blisters.  Literally just open skin on my toes.  
Well, at least I can relate to my girls.  (My rowers).  They get gnarly hand blisters.  When I was a rower, I was terrible with blisters.  I had super sensitive skin, or something, but obviously not so much coxing.
I spent the day with my sister looking at different apartments she was thinking of renting in Boston and Cambridge.  I'm not sure how helpful I was, as my sister and I have opposite opinions on practically everything.  
It was pretty cold out.  My skin is getting pretty wind chapped.  Well... honestly, it doesn't take much for my skin to get wind chapped.  So, I'm dipping in to my mom's Pond's Cream tonight.  I also really love the scent of the Japanese Cherry Blossom Lotion from Bath and Body Works.  I buy something with that scent every year for my sister, M, for Christmas.  I definitely need some really heavy duty stuff to
Oh, and the most exciting part of today, I got my very own adjustable wrench (FINALLY!).  I feel like a real, live coxswain now.  Oh, and I got one of those keychain, springy wristbands for it, too (thanks for the tip, T.)
I am SO ready for the training trip.  Florida here I come!


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